The Role of Health for the Seventh-day Adventist Church | ANN In-Depth

ANN In-Depth

In this week's episode of In-Depth, host Sam Neves discusses with Dr. Peter Landless, director of Adventist Health Ministries, the importance of health for the Adventist Church and its role as part of the mission in preaching the Gospel.

In this week's episode of In-Depth, host Sam Neves discusses with Dr. Peter Landless, director of Adventist Health Ministries, the importance of health for the Adventist Church and its role as part of the mission in preaching the Gospel. 

Episode highlights:

  • The health principles throughout the Bible

  • The origin of the Adventist health message

  • Wholistic well-being

  • The impact of lifestyle on the spiritual journey

  • How health principles are integrated into the Adventist ministry as mission

Join us for these and other insights in today's episode.